
The Smart Guide to Email Marketing

The process of sending one or two emails is simple. But a strategy for long-term Email that will grow your business needs an organized approach using the best practices for email marketing

The Smart Guide to Email Marketing ebook by digibloq

 From the best way to bring new subscribers onto your list to the most effective methods to allow readers to unsubscribe, marketing via Email is full of rules worth studying.

Email Marketing Facts

Here is some fact you should know.

An email has an average ROI of $52 for every dollar spent.
10 $
Sending three abandoned cart emails produces 69% more orders than a single email.
20 $
81% of SMBs still rely on email as their primary customer acquisition channel.
30 $

The Best Email Marketing Strategy

Successful Email Marketing includes tools, strategy, implementation, Tracking, Data segmentation, and More to achieve maximum ROI. Here we’re going to discuss the Email Marketing Strategy to reach the targeted audiences, determine their information needs, and Get the Maximum from there.

Even in uncertain times, your customers maintain their email inboxes with a keen eye. In All forms of Digital marketing channel, Email remains the highest driver of ROI.

Building Trust in Your Audience

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